so everyone survived the first week of school.
lauren was so excited to find out she will be at the elementary school she was hoping for with the teacher she was hoping for. she is in Ms Jollif's kindergarten class at Goliad. she will be in that classroom for 7 weeks, then transfer to a 4th grade class for the final 7 weeks. then she will graduate in december.
did you hear that? she will graduate in december. I anticipate a big party. or not. her call.
Erin's classes look to be so-so. She has biology, a computer class and bowling. a huh -bowling. for her physical activity she needed something, and this fit. an 8:00 bowling class. anyway, she is looking forward to next weekend as she is going to vegas for a friend's wedding. they leave thursday and come home late sunday I think. hope she has a lot of fun. and drinks responsibly. or at least remembers to drink at least 16 ounces of water and take 2 aspirin before she goes to sleep if she has had too much to drink. no morning hangover. (like I know what I'm talking about.) anyway...
emily hasn't had too much to say about her classes - other than she had already written a paper for her english class and had finished her reading for government.
kenny is out on the lake fishing today, the weather looks nice for it...not too windy or hot. don't know if we will get much rain from Gustav or not yet...but we've had a lot in the past two weeks.
this is out sage bush in the back yard. every time it rains it blooms like crazy.
isn't it pretty? (I think kenny needs to fix that birdhouse...)
and here's a picture of my photo assistant gracie:
she's loving her backyard, as always.
and finally, my most recent finished knits:
I'll be blocking another project this afternoon. I think I have gotten the sock knit thing down...these were done on two circular needles. looks seriously awesome with the two needles fully engaged about halfway through. I rock knitting, btw. (and I am so modest too.)
so that's about another week's round up at the johnson casa.
peace out and more later...